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Kevin Hannah | 317.602.1546 ext. 3 |
WINCHESTER, IND. (AUG. 21, 2018) – Today the Eastern Indiana Region delegation announced from the courthouse grounds in Winchester that two key Randolph County projects have been included in the Eastern Indiana region’s submission to earn a Stellar designation from the Indiana Regional Stellar Communities Program.
The East Greenville Pike project in Winchester, and the Back Lofts apartments and training center in Union City, were both listed as projects in the regional submission. The full submission included projects from Fayette, Rush, Wayne and Union counties as well.
Chief Executive Officer of the Randolph County Economic Development Corporation Greg Beumer announced inclusion of the East Greenville Pike project, which will focus on approximately two miles of the roadway starting at the Winchester city limits and heading southeast, making transportation safer for the traveling public.
City Manager of Union City Monte Poling announced the inclusion of the Backstay Loft Apartments project. This project will convert an old industrial building into approximately 40 new apartments and workforce training space.
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“While OCRA’s Regional Stellar Program is, in theory, a competition, we in Eastern Indiana view it as another way to assist us in the journey towards being better able to work together on the many common challenges that face us from day to day,” said Jeff Plasterer, executive director of the Eastern Indiana Regional Planning Commission. “This application process has allowed us to strengthen the way we communicate, plan, and assist each other on a regular and ongoing basis to improve our recruitment, retention, and development of a qualified workforce through improvements to our Region’s quality of place.”
If the Eastern Indiana Region’s submission is selected as one of two recipients in the Stellar Communities Program, funding could be available for the submitted plans. The Eastern Indiana Region is one of six finalist for this year’s regional Stellar Communities Program.
The Eastern Indiana Region’s comprehensive regional development plan was developed with input from each county’s residents, businesses and organizations to address quality of life, workforce, housing, health, wellness and economic development projects.
“This process has strengthened our regional partnership and ensures its continuation throughout the years,” said Mike Row, chief executive officer of Eastern Indiana Works.
The Indiana Regional Stellar Communities Program promotes regionalism by design with a comprehensive community and economic development approach through a multi-year, multi-million investment initiative. The Regional Stellar Communities Program is led by the Indiana Lieutenant Governor’s office and is funded by three state agencies: the Indiana Housing and Community Economic Development Authority, the Indiana Office of Community and Rural Affairs and the Indiana Department of Transportation. Other State Partners in the program are: Indiana Department of Tourism, Indiana State Department of Health, The Indiana Bond Bank, Serve Indiana, Indiana Arts Commission and Indiana Department of Natural Resources