Wheatland Water & Wastewater Design
Wheatland, Indiana
RQAW | DCCM led an internal and external team of engineers to design and develop a new sanitary sewer system for the Town of Wheatland. This system included several miles of new low-pressure force main, one lift station, and a package wastewater treatment plant for the town of 500 people. The team evaluated wastewater lagoons for Wheatland being crucial for maintaining compliance with regulations and ensuring effective treatment. One of the key challenges in the design of project was ensuring the project met the Town’s limited budget, supported by a $14M SRF grant award for water/wastewater. The SRF grant award has been the highest award ever given for a project. After receiving no bids on the collection systems portion of the project, RQAW | DCCM redesigned the collection system to shallow up sewers. This redesign drew more interest from contractors, allowing the project to proceed. Construction is currently underway for this project.