Water & Wastewater

Alexandria Stormwater Improvements

Alexandria Stormwater Improvements This project is a key component of the City of Alexandria’s Long Term Control Plan, as it constitutes the most downstream trunk of the City’s largest storm interceptor. Currently, all storm and sanitary flows are conveyed to a single point at the intersection of Pennsylvania and Washington Streets before being conveyed by the 3-ft by 5-ft brick combined sewer to the downstream outfall and wastewater treatment plant. RQAW | DCCM completed the design services to remove the storm flows from the combined system and convey them directly to Pipe Creek, offloading approximately 350,000 gallons of clear water from the combined system. The interceptor consists of approximately 2,200-ft of 30-in and 36-in polypropylene pipe, constructed down a narrow roadway corridor with a railroad crossing. Inlets will be added throughout the service area to capture on-site watershed drainage in addition to the off-site drainage at the tie-in point. RQAW | DCCM also assisted the City through the OCRA grant application process to secure $600,000 in grant funds.

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Milton Master Utility Study

Milton Master Utility Study This project evaluated three utilities for the Town: water, wastewater, and stormwater. RQAW | DCCM’s role included condition assessments of the existing infrastructure, projecting future growth of the town, and ultimately determining needs of the system for improvements, in cooperation with the Town. The report was approved by OCRA with minimal comments. In addition to the study, RQAW | DCCM assisted the Town in developing an OCRA grant for improvements to the water system including water main replacements, elevated tank rehabilitation, and replacement of an existing well house. The project is currently in the construction process. One of the key challenges in the design of the project was coordinating schedules from two funding agencies, OCRA and IFA. RQAW | DCCM was able to communicate with both agencies to ensure the Town would not lose their $700,000 grant from OCRA and $2M grant from IFA.

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NineStar Riley Village Sanitary Sewer

NineStar Riley Village Sanitary Sewer Greenfield, Indiana  RQAW | DCCM worked for the owner NineStar Connect to design and develop plans for Riley Village’s sanitary sewer system replacement. RQAW worked with stakeholders, including the neighborhood’s homeowners association (HOA) to effectively secure land access. The project also included sanitary sewer replacement for approximately 80 homes as well as rehabilitation for some existing sewer segments crossing under Sugar Creek. One of the key challenges in this project was maintaining access to homes during construction of the new sanitary sewer, which would primarily be under HOA-owned roadway. RQAW | DCCM designed the sewer system to minimize full-lane closures and above-ground impacts to residents. This project was awarded the USDA Water & Waste Disposal Loan and Grant Investment financing to help build and improve rural wastewater systems. Award USDA Water & Waste Disposal Loan & Grant Investment

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North Salem Water Treatment Plant

North Salem Water Treatment Plant The Town of North Salem was experiencing arsenic levels in their finished water above permitted limits and shouldering the financial burden of an aging water tower. To address these issues, RQAW | DCCM designed a new 80 gpm water treatment plant with pressure filters, 75,000-gallon elevated storage tank. RQAW | DCCM helped the Town find funding for the $2.1M project and performed design, bidding, and construction administration services to ensure project success.

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Union County Water & Sewer Extension

Union County Water & Sewer Extension RQAW | DCCM worked with Union County and the Town of Liberty throughout the project to develop a plan for extending water and sewer services southeast of town along US 27 for future developments. This project included both water main and force main along with a new lift station. Special considerations were made throughout design given the unique county/town relationship and state requirements along INDOT right- of-way. One of the key challenges to this project was most of the water and sewer were within INDOT right-of-way limits as the team was designing the system for a future development. Our solution was to coordinate with INDOT early and upfront along with our Road Department to ensure a positive permitting experience. The solution to designing for future development was to directly contact owner and potential developers of the site to understand potential land use. 

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Wheatland Water & Wastewater Design

Wheatland Water & Wastewater Design Wheatland, Indiana RQAW | DCCM led an internal and external team of engineers to design and develop a new sanitary sewer system for the Town of Wheatland. This system included several miles of new low-pressure force main, one lift station, and a package wastewater treatment plant for the town of 500 people. The team evaluated wastewater lagoons for Wheatland being crucial for maintaining compliance with regulations and ensuring effective treatment. One of the key challenges in the design of project was ensuring the project met the Town’s limited budget, supported by a $14M SRF grant award for water/wastewater. The SRF grant award has been the highest award ever given for a project. After receiving no bids on the collection systems portion of the project, RQAW | DCCM redesigned the collection system to shallow up sewers. This redesign drew more interest from contractors, allowing the project to proceed. Construction is currently underway for this project.

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