
Seymour Fire Station No. 2 & Headquarters

Seymour Fire Station No. 2 & Headquarters Seymour, Indiana The Seymour Fire Department had outgrown each of its three facilities, making it difficult for the fire inspectors and officers to properly serve their community. To accommodate their immense spacing needs, RQAW | DCCM assisted the City of Seymour with the replacement of Station No. 2 with a new 15,800-sq.ft. fire station and headquarters facility. The new facility was completed in the fall of 2022 and designed for ADA compliance. It included living quarters, a 20-ft apparatus bay, mezzanine, and administration areas. The intent of the design was to provide the city with a serviceable, functional, and long-lasting structure at as reasonable a cost as possible. Our team’s mission was to deliver a facility that spurs downtown development, activates neighborhood revitalization, and provide long-term financial and community benefits for the City of Seymour. This project was successfully delivered through a Build, Operate, Transfer (BOT) agreement, an arrangement between private development companies and municipalities offering significant benefits and flexibility to both parties. 

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Steuben County Judicial Center

Steuben County Judicial Center Angola, Indiana RQAW | DCCM designed a new 55,000-sf. facility to house Angola’s three courts, prosecutor’s office, and Clerk’s office. The historic courthouse in downtown Angola served them well for 150 years, but their space needs outgrew it. The RQAW | DCCM design team strove for a timeless look, shaping this new building to integrate well with the historic buildings that surround it. Construction was completed in June 2024.

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International District Community Center

International District Community Center Indianapolis, Indiana This new project consisted of alterations to a 15,000-sf existing single-story building to be used as a local community center. The building formally served as an Aldi’s grocery store but now provides three new classrooms and a large event space that can be subdivided into three individual spaces. With this flexibility, IDCC has the opportunity to provide a wide range of functions to serve the community. Additionally, the facility includes 5 new offices, tenant space, two conference rooms, a work/mail room, and new restroom facilities.

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Whistle Drive Development

Whistle Drive Development Fishers, Indiana RQAW | DCCM designed a new two-story, mixed-use building in the heart of The Stations at Fishers District. The development’s first floor will include 17,400 sf. of retail and restaurant space with options for patio dining. The second floor will have 15,400 sf. of office space. This project was successfully delivered through a Build, Operate, Transfer (BOT) agreement, an arrangement between private development companies and municipalities offering significant benefits and flexibility to both parties. 

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Westfield Fire Station No. 81

Westfield Fire Station No. 81 Westfield, Indiana Westfield Fire Station 81 served as a vital hub for emergency services. This state-of-the-art 36,000 square foot headquarters building housed essential facilities, including eight bays for firefighting vehicles, a new training tower, on-site physical fitness areas, comfortable living quarters, a fleet services hub, and dedicated administrative offices. With a construction cost of $12.8 million, it played a crucial role in safeguarding the community for the future.

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Lawrence Police Station

Lawrence Police Station Lawrence, Indiana RQAW | DCCM worked with the City of Lawrence and the Police Department to complete a feasibility study that assessed not only their current facilities but also their current and future space needs. The result of the study was a proposed facility that would maximize operational efficiency, enhance public safety, and be tailored to the department’s needs. The resulting project is a 3-story (basement included) 37,000-sf facility designed to complement the architecture of Fort Benjamin Harrison, located just north of the facility, by incorporating red brick, a front “porch,” and columns. The state-of-the-art facility includes a 911/dispatch center with its own breakroom, restrooms, offices, and conference areas. Each department was designed to accommodate immediate and future space needs. Other design highlights include a community training room with tiered seating for up to 112, a fitness area with locker rooms, and a secure vehicular sally port. The $12.9M project was completed in 2019.

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Miami County Highway Maintenance Facility

Miami County Highway Maintenance Facility Peru, Indiana Miami County was operating from two different garage locations, neither of which provided them with enough truck service bays, equipment storage, or administrative space. BW Development, BW Construction, and RQAW | DCCM developed, designed, and administered the facility, which improved overall operational efficiency and addressed the County’s needs. At over 49,000 sf, the $4.9M facility is nearly twice the size of the two old garages combined. It includes a heated parking area for trucks, six mechanic bays, a welding area, a wash bay, and administrative/office space. The site provides ample space for future expansion, if needed. This project was completed in 2018. 

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Hobart Police, Court & Community Center

Hobart Police, Court & Community Center Hobart, Indiana The 15 departments occupying two facilities for Hobart City Hall and Police Station had far outgrown their existing, 18,747-sf space, which had numerous security and ADA issues. RQAW | DCCM was contracted to assist the City of Hobart with defining a long-term solution to their space problems. RQAW | DCCM initially provided a strategic planning study and conceptual design for the city, then developed a 174,679-sf design for the Hobart Police Station, Court, and Community Center by revitalizing a former high school/middle school. A third of the building was demolished for parking, a third was renovated, and the remaining third will be used for future growth. RQAW | DCCM addressed the space deficiency, parking problems, and staffing projections for the future in the design, satisfying both the immediate and long-term needs of each department. This project also provided a public safety answering point (PSAP) location and allowed preservation of the Brickie Bowl, a historic football stadium, which would not have otherwise been affordable. The Brickie Bowl is a public asset, and the police department can use this space for training. The design and location, one block from City Hall, led to a revitalization of the downtown area. This project was completed in 2011. 

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Harrison County Government Center

Harrison County Government Center Corydon, Indiana Defining the 25-year space needs for 33 County administration/taxing, service, and judicial departments involved a comprehensive planning process that included projection modeling, existing space analysis and related adjustments, staffing projections, space programming, conceptual design cost estimating, comparative analysis to similar counties for the 25-year population and staff projections, and implementation planning analysis. Once the planning process defined the needs, it was determined the best solution would be to renovate three vacated buildings at the County’s previous medical complex consisting of two medical office buildings and an old hospital. Some sections of the hospital were demolished, and the remaining 86,000-sf shared among the three buildings was planned to maximize operational efficiencies and renovated to reduce operational and utility costs. Taking advantage of the existing space at the previous medical campus satisfied the County’s immediate and long-term space needs, allowed for a logical grouping of departments to enhance operational efficiencies, maintained centralized services for the convenience of the Harrison County residents, eliminated the cost of leased space, solved the dilemma of what to do with unmarketable buildings at the vacated hospital campus, reduced the cost of new construction by 40%, and expedited the delivery schedule of the project by six to eight months. This project was completed in 2009. 

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Valparaiso Parking Garage

Valparaiso Parking Garage Valparaiso, Indiana RQAW | DCCM and its design partners worked with the City of Valparaiso to design a 5-story, 365 space parking structure to serve its residents, while keeping a keen focus on construction efficiencies and architectural integration.  The 127,368 square foot structure is a two-bay, single-threaded helix with two-way traffic, precast concrete system that consists of prestressed double tees supported on precast spandrels, lite wall, inverted tee beams, and columns. with a prefabricated panel façade system.  The façade was designed to be aesthetically compatible with the downtown’s historic 1900’s aesthetics while meeting the height restrictions with a raised planter beds. The exterior design elements were optimized with penalization in mind to streamline the construction process. 

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